
瓶子面膜 豁然素膚
Masque in a Jar Virtue for the Skin

多年來,「一瓶等如一個奇蹟」這觀念,說不清搞不懂,就作為給自己買一個希望吧。然後,在數以百計的一瓶又一瓶之後,最終你真正掌握護膚之道嗎?是的,但不全是。 Gelee的出現,是讓你實在地,真誠地,與肌膚好好相處,細微地感悟良善平和的純素面膜。

「瓶子面膜,豁然素膚」是我們的信念。 我們需要一些其他的,或是一些更多的? 這一些,一定要最好。 與你相處多年的護膚模式,切勿急於改革。我們不是要取締你的護膚日常,我們給你的是日常以外的素膚補品,但願你持以之恆,將補品變成日常。

Gelee 是一系列澳洲研製,素悅營潤的面膜配方。勤敷常用,一天一面膜就最理想;一瓶一進步,畢竟護膚之路依然漫長呢! 究竟 Gelee 是相輔相成,還是取長補短呢?我們選擇相提並論。我們相信,以純素為本的面膜配方,更能夠細微地取悅每一種膚質的口味,它們足以策動深層潔淨、排毒去角質、賦活津肌,抗氧再生等功效。 每一個細節,都是重點。我們嚴選各款植物成份,了解其功效及表現,調配成可口悅膚的瓶子面膜。

從面膜的質地、色澤外觀,黏稠度、以至所有成份結合後產生的恬淡香氣、最佳敷貼時間,每周使用次數,功效和表現,環環緊扣。 要將 Gelee 保存在最新鮮的狀態,我們必需要小批次生產。每一瓶Gelee是給肌膚送上的祝福。




Masque in a Jar
Virtue for the Skin

For many years, we are brain-washed with “miracle in a jar”, a myth which is merely impossible to tell. After finishing hundreds of bottles during the course, are you in full possession of your skin? Yes or no. At Gelee, we let your feet firmly on the ground by being realistic and beneficial to skin wellness.

“Masque in a Jar, Virtue for the Skin” is our ethos.

We need Something Else or Something More? Something Good is a must. The rest is irrelevant.

With no intention to interrupt or replace your dedicated skincare regime, we are here to complement this daily routine by presenting a range of delicious masque recipes, proudly made in Australia.

To complement or supplement? They are two sides of the same coin.

These coveted concoctions are blended to delight every skin appetite hence achieving their ultimate functions of deep cleansing, exfoliation, rejuvenation and renewal.

From the origin of ingredients to their efficacy and performance, an attention to details is a must. This principle extends to masque texture, aesthetic appeal and nature-loving scent.

To preserve the freshness of Gelee masque, small batch production is fundamental.

Each Gelee jar is a blessing to the skin. It becomes a virtue of your skin only when you finish up every gram of this potent masque.

Whenever you need a wake-me-up indulgence or little facial retreat to de-stress tired skin, make sure you have a Gelee masque nearby.

Get ready to customize your add-on treatment.

A bright new chapter of skin rediscovery is about to begin.